Omega Oils & Vitamins

Dogs (like many other animals) require two types of essential fatty acids for healthy development and maintenance of their cardiovascular and nervous systems: Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. While Omega-6 fatty acids are plentiful in your pet’s diet, regardless of what they eat, Omega-3s are not.

Because the Omega-3s are fragile and break down quickly in the presence of heat, air or light, they are lacking in both the commercial and fresh foods that we tend to feed our pets.

While pet food labels may state that Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids have been added, the reality is that the food is deficient in Omega-3 due to unavoidable exposure to air and light. Fish Oil Oxidation occurs when unsaturated fats such as the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are exposed to heat, light, or oxygen. The greater the degree of unsaturation (the more double bonds present), the more susceptible the fatty acid is to oxidation. IFFO the marine organisation recommendation is to look for added antioxidants on the Supplement Facts label these typically include vitamin E, rosemary extract, or astaxanthin that slow or prevent the oxidative process.

Healthy Pet Omega Canine for dogs has addressed these issues by blending wild caught sustainable Calamari Oil that contains natural astaxanthin and blending in pure natural astaxanthin extracted from marine algae and fortified with natural vitamin A, C & E. (All natural antioxidants)

Feeding a good Omega-3 supplement is therefore advisable. But which one is best to use? The topic of Omega-3s is not as simple as it sounds.


The two best Omega-3 fatty acids for animals is eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are found in the oils of fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and anchovies. Cod liver oil also contains EPA and DHA, along with the healthy vitamins A and D. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that humans eat no more than six 6 oz servings of cod per month due to mercury levels in this fish; Contamination is still a concern. Ocean dwelling fish absorb toxins and heavy metals as they feed, so the larger fish at the top of the food chain contain more toxic compounds.

When buying any kind of fish oil, here are some considerations to keep in mind…

Look for an eco-friendly, sustainable source of fish oil. The fish used in most high-grade products are wild caught, non-threatened anchovies, sardines and mackerel, which feed off small plankton, from the deep clear Pacific waters off the coast of South America. Since these small fish are lower on the food chain, they do not have as many toxins in them as larger fish that live longer and are higher on the food chain. These smaller fish have the lowest levels of mercury and are the safest to eat.

Healthy Pet Omega™ Canine, Feline and Equine Formulations for pets has addressed these issues by only refining oil from wild harvesting non-endangered sustainable Calamari from pristine clean Australian waters.

The most reputable fish oil processing plants are licensed food safety premises, accredited fish processing facilities and process in accordance with the good manufacturing process (GMP).

Healthy Pet Omega™ is a division of Cassa BioTec Pty Ltd. Cassa BioTec’s products are manufactured to Australian Export and EU standards. Our production facility in Williamstown North Victoria Australia, has been inspected and approved by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Regulatory Authority (AQIS) for the manufacturing of Fish oils for human consumption Registration No. 2892 and Prime Safe as a category (A) Seafood Safety License holder for the manufacturing of Fish oils for human consumption (License No.W00357) to the required Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards.

High quality fish oil should have a very pleasant smell, whether in liquid form or capsule. The refining process has a great impact on smell and taste.

Cassa BioTec Pty Ltd has undertaken extensive research on the development of refining high quality fish oil’s and is the first fish oil processor to source and refine fish oil from local Australian waters enabling Healthy Pet Omega to be licensed to apply the Australian made and Owned logo on its fish oil products.

When our mothers’ mothers made children take cod liver oil it was in a time when producers didn’t have as many contaminants to worry about. The fish oil was boiled in a still and separated from harder to boil materials like waxes, mercury and other pollutants that had different boiling points. The process was crude but it did the trick.

While many processes exist today, the preferable process is triple phase molecular distillation, which is much gentler. The oil is placed under vacuum and then the Omega-3s and pollutants like PCBs and mercury are boiled off at extremely low temperatures, molecule by molecule. The EPA and DHA Omega-3s are separated from toxins. The resulting product is then converted back to triglyceride form, a costly process, making the fish oil more stable and less likely to degrade, while improving the bioavailability of the product. Companies using this process will freely share this information.

Avoid fish oil produced via the synthetic ethyl ester process which is easier and cheaper. It uses ethanol in the distillation process to produce a higher concentration of EPA and DHA. Ethanol is a free radical and makes the fish oil unstable, even though the oil may be more concentrated and contain a higher amount of Omega-3s. Left in this form as ethyl ester, it is less bioavailable than the natural form of trigycerides.

TRY THIS: A quick home test will show what kind of fish oil you have. Pour some of your fish oil into a styrofoam cup. If the fish oil eats through the cup in 30 minutes or less, you may have fish oil with ethanol content.

Caution With Salmon Oil

Salmon oil is very popular and is probably the first fish oil that comes to mind. But it may not be the healthiest option.

Since so much of the salmon in grocery stores today is raised in fish farms, it could be the most polluted food our dogs eat. Researchers analyzed both farm raised and wild salmon from eight major regions around the world and found that the farm raised salmon contained dangerous levels of PCBs, dioxins and the insecticides dieldrin and toxaphene.

  • PCBs, or polychlorinated byphenyls, are highly toxic and carcinogenic. PCBs are now banned but are still in the environment, and contaminated fish is the most likely source of exposure.
  • Dioxins are a group of carcinogenic, chemically related compounds that are found primarily in fish and shellfish. If one uses the EPA’s guidelines for exposure to dioxin, one meal of farmed salmon a month can pose unacceptable cancer risks.
  • Dieldrin is a highly toxic, long-lasting insecticide, restricted by law to non-agricultural use.
  • Toxaphene is a toxic solid polychlorinated camphene used as an insecticide. It was banned from use in the United States in 1990 because it is a suspected carcinogen.

This great difference in concentration of contaminants in farmed versus wild salmon is a result of the diets fed the fish. Farm raised salmon consume pellets made of other fish made into fish meal mixed with fish oil to encourage rapid growth, concentration of toxins in their bodies. The salmon farms also release large quantities of antibiotics into the water, as well as other chemicals generated during farming.

Tasmanian and Norwegian salmon are not wild salmon but farm raised. Farm raised salmon can be potentially high in the pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fats and low in healthy Omega-3s. Wild caught Australian Calamari has a much more favourable Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio and fewer toxins and contaminants that are able to be removed in the refining process.

If buying salmon oil, make sure it is from wild caught salmon. If the label says that it is made from salmon caught in the pristine waters of Tasmania, Norway or the Atlantic Ocean think twice about buying it.

EPA and DHA are two long-term fatty acids that are essential for cardiovascular function and the prevention of dementia. The richest sources are fatty fish. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a short-chain Omega-3 fatty acid is found in appreciable quantities in walnuts, hemp and chia seeds, flaxseeds and soybeans. On its own, ALA is an inefficient source of DHA because its effect depends on its conversion first to EPA and then to DHA. Canines can only convert about 20 percent of the ALA to DHA.

Data indicates that algae oil supplements are more concentrated in Omega-3s. Algae supplements can provide both EPA and DHA and are a good alternative to fish oils. Just as selecting a trusted Omega-3 source is important, so is the selection of an algae supplement. Research the company and ensure you are dealing with the producer, not a third party or broker. You’ll want a product tested by a reputable, independent third party, and confirm it is from organic sources produced outdoors with plenty of natural sunlight. Just like fish oils, you want to avoid contaminants.

With Cassa BioTec you are dealing with the producer and not a third party or broker all astaxanthin is extracted from organic algae and is produced outdoors in natural Australian sunlight.

A combination of crushed chia seeds and an algae supplement can supply a combination of healthy ALAs, DHAs and EPAs. Recommendation for Omega-3 supplementation is to follow the regimen below.

–  Crushed chia seeds: 1 teaspoon (small dogs) to 1 tablespoon (large dogs) per day

–  Walnut Oil: 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon a day, according to your dog’s size as above

–  Health Pet Omega™ Canine Formulation has been formulated to combine the required Omegas including EPA / DHA, Vitamins A, C & E and Astaxanthin for your pet and comes in a convenient 250ml pump action for ease of use.

In Australia there are Compositional Guideline set down by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) that ensure fish and Calamari oil products comply with the criteria of Omega-3 content, contaminants and stability of the product.

All Health Pet Omega™ products refined, produced and formulated by Cassa BioTec Pty Ltd comply with Australian Therapeutic Goods ARTG Entry: Aust. L number 303038. Bulk Calamari Oil.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) have become all the rage in human diets, and that has spilled over into animal diets as well. Essential fatty acids are “good fats” (polyunsaturated), and are necessary and mandatory for many body functions, including brain function, cellular repair, and immune, cardiovascular and reproductive support. They must come from your diet, as the body cannot produce them on its own. Omegas 3 and 6 are the two families of EFAs.

Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in fish, certain plants and nut oils. It provides extra calories in a beneficial and highly usable form. It plays a vital role in cellular repair and formation, brain function, growth and development. It reduces inflammation and improves calcium deposit and bone strength. Omega-3 has been proven to help animals with stomach ulcers, arthritis, allergies, auto-immune diseases, hoof quality, reproduction, joint health, laminitis, respiratory issues and more. It also decreases the risk of colic and pulmonary bleeding.

Omega-6 is another polyunsaturated fatty acid that assists with brain function, growth and development, and is found mainly in plant and grain oils. However, it also promotes inflammation, and can lend to the development of inflammatory diseases if the level of omega-6 greatly overtakes that of omega-3. “Too much omega-6 and too little omega-3 fatty acids have been recognized as a major predisposing cause of the degenerative changes observed in arthritic horses. In cases of arthritis with cartilage degradation, there is found high concentrations of omega-6 fatty acid derivate creating inflammatory mediators. Two of these mediators, PGE2 and LTB4, are considered the prime culprits in instigating the inflammation process in arthritis.”

That doesn’t mean omega-6 is bad. It is still essential. Inflammatory responses have their place and are necessary – you want to see inflammation when your horse injures himself, because it will draw your attention to the injury and aid in the healing process. The problem arises when omega-3 and 6 become so out of balance that the body gets confused and sometimes turns on itself, resulting in issues such as arthritis and auto-immune diseases.

If your pet suffers from allergies or skin problems, immune disorders, respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, eye disorders such as failing vision or cataracts, or general problems associated with aging, an antioxidant supplement may reduce the cellular damage done by free radicals and help return your cat to a state of good health.

Antioxidant supplementation is especially important for animals that are being treated for cancer or have other diseases that compromise their immune systems.

Important Antioxidants for Cats, Dogs and Horses

Astaxanthin is a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant that helps protect cells, organs and tissues from oxidative damage.


  • Supports the immune system
  • Supports joint and muscle recovery after exercise
  • Promotes neurological and eye health in dogs and cats
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Helps to prevent light induced damage to the eyes and may benefit pets with age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Why your pet needs an Antioxidant Supplement?

Unlike people who hopefully eat a diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants, most dogs and cats eat commercial pet food containing a minimal amount of antioxidants. Whether your dog or cat or horse is healthy or fighting a disease, an antioxidant supplement can provide immune support, protect it from environmental toxins, and may even help prolong its life.

When some algae are stressed they release this powerful antioxidant called astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin belongs to a group of compounds called carotenoids – and it’s a red pigment. Carotenoids are pigment colors that occur in nature. For example, beta carotene is an orange pigment and makes foods like orange peppers, well, orange. Astaxanthin is a red pigment and it actually turns animals that eat it pink. Salmon, shrimp, flamingos, crayfish and krill would be an entirely different color if they didn’t get astaxanthin in their diet. In fact, it’s added to many goldfish foods to keep them a nice deep orange color. And flamingos are born with grey feathers…they don’t turn pink until they start eating their natural diet of algae and crustaceans.

But don’t worry … your pet won’t turn pink if he eats it. And there are plenty of good reasons to give your pets Astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin is an antioxidant – and antioxidants are an important nutrient to fight against free radical damage.

Free radicals are unpaired electrons that can accumulate in cells. They’re the byproduct of metabolism, sometimes the immune system creates them to fight viruses and bacteria, and they’re also formed when your cat is exposed to chemicals, pesticides, processed foods, pollution, radiation and toxins.

Once free radicals form in cells, their single electron makes them very unstable, so they react quickly with other compounds, so they can capture a second electron to make them stable again. So they often just attack the closest stable molecule and steal its electron. So, the damaged molecule with the missing electron becomes another free radical and a chain reaction is set in motion.

This process is called oxidative stress and it causes damage to the cells, proteins and DNA in your pet's body. So free radicals are associated with many common diseases including cancer, and premature aging.

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant, which means it fights free radical damage. It’s designed perfectly to protect all parts of the cell and positions itself across the entire cell membrane, attaching itself to both the exterior, interior and lipid layer, offering entire protection for each cell.

Astaxanthin for pets is better than most other antioxidants (such as vitamin E) because it controls multiple free radicals at a time. Astaxanthin forms an electron cloud around the molecule, so when free radicals come by to steal electrons they are absorbed into the cloud and neutralized.

It’s a powerful antioxidant, with antioxidant strength up to 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C and 800 times stronger than CoQ10.

And unlike other antioxidants, it never becomes a pro-oxidant in the body. It’s not called the “king of carotenoids” for nothing.

So, let’s look at some of the more important Astaxanthin uses.

Dry Eye And Retina Health
Keratoconjuctivitis sicca (KCS) is a condition that is commonly referred to as “dry eye” in dogs, cats and horses and I like to use astaxanthin to treat dry eye. It works as an anti-inflammatory. The medical term means inflammation of the cornea and surrounding tissues from dryness. It’s a common condition resulting from inadequate production of the aqueous portion of the tear film that protects a cat and dog’s eye by the lacrimal gland (a gland of the third eyelid gland).

While conditions such as hypothyroidism and autoimmune disease as well as reactions to sulfa drugs may cause KCS, the gland can rejuvenate with the proper holistic management. Astaxanthin can cross the barrier to reach the retina, a barrier that few make it through.

I would also recommend astaxanthin for retinal detachment and sight in general. While this antioxidant is relatively new on the scene, it’s an important one for eye health, and it’s not hard for me to imagine that it would be very effective in preventing cataracts.

Joint Health
Astaxanthin is a serious anti-inflammatory. So, it’s great for joint health too. Measure it against any other joint product you use for your cat. It blocks and handles several different chemicals that create pain. It reduces inflammation in the body and inflammation is what, always and eventually, helps create chronic disease.

Heart Disease
Astaxanthin has been proven to reduce C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in the body. CRP is a key indicator of heart disease and lowering CRP can help prevent as well as treat heart problems.  I would recommend Astaxanthin before CoQ10 as it is 800 times more powerful.

Besides being great for joint health, eye function and heart health, astaxanthin is also great for brain function, cancer prevention, immune system health and slows the aging process. And these health benefits of astaxanthin that we’re currently aware of are likely just the tip of the iceberg.

But not all Astaxanthin is the same …

Currently, the primary industrial source for natural astaxanthin is the micro algae Haematococcus pluvialis, which seems to accumulate the highest levels of astaxanthin in nature. Conveniently, these little folks naturally double their volume every week. Commercially, more than 40 g of astaxanthin can be obtained from one kg of dry biomass. Hemoatococcus pluvialis is used to make high dose human and pet supplements naturally. A yeast, Phaffia rhodozyma, also generates substantial amounts of astaxanthin and is used to create supplements; however, it can be genetically modified, so it’s safest to check that your supplement is made from micro algae.

Nearly all commercial astaxanthin for aquaculture is produced synthetically selling at over five thousand dollars a kilo. However, synthetic production of astaxanthin is not so hot because it contains a mixture of stereoisomers. Stereoisomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula and but are arranged differently in three-dimensional space. Some of these stereoisomers affect digestibility and bioavailability. This is a good reason to avoid synthetic astaxanthin as it may be less well absorbed by the body than the naturally-sourced form.

Synthetic astaxanthin is not approved for human use (likely because of petrochemicals used in astaxanthin synthesis)…And you don’t want to give it to your pet either! Synthetic astaxanthin is used in animal feeds, especially in the fish farming industry. So, when you buy salmon, whether for you or your cat, make sure you always buy wild, not farmed salmon.

Vitamin A is manufactured by humans and animals from pigment substances called carotenes, which are commonly found in plants. Vitamin A is fat-soluble.

Vitamin A is essential for:

– Supporting healthy eyesight
– Maintaining healthy skin and mucous membrane
– Growth and proper digestion
– The production of red and white corpuscles in the blood
– Lactation
– Growth and repair of body tissues
– Protecting the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs, thereby reducing susceptibility to infections
– Protecting against environmental pollutants
– Aiding in bone and teeth formation

A deficiency of vitamin A may result in night blindness; increased susceptibility to infections; rough, dry, scaly skin; loss of smell and appetite; fatigue; lack of eye-tearing; and defective teeth and retarded gum growth.

Vitamin A is especially beneficial to aging animals, and those suffering from respiratory problems (asthma, bronchitis), and atopic dermatitis.

Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) is a major antioxidant nutrient that occurs in both plant and animal tissue. It is fat-soluble and:

– Acts in the body to protect red blood cells, vitamin A and unsaturated fatty acids from oxidation damage
– Helps maintain healthy membrane tissue
– Retards cellular aging due to oxidation
– Supplies oxygen to the blood, which is then carried to the heart and other organs, thus alleviating fatigue
– Brings nourishment to cells
– Strengthens the capillary walls

A deficiency of vitamin E may lead to a rupture of red blood cells, loss of reproductive powers, abnormal fat deposits in muscles, degenerative changes in the changes in the heart and other muscles; and dry skin. It is especially beneficial to aging animals, and animals with heart disease, cancer and atopic dermatitis.